Thursday, March 7, 2024

Twirling Animated Dots with Tracers

 Just saving this code here so I don't lose it.
Q: Check To Pause Next Fade Image Upload Demo

Q:<input type='text' value='flowers' id='k' size='20'>

<input type='checkbox' id='pause'> Check To Pause Next Fade

<span id='debug'>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="UTF-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

<title>Image Upload Demo</title>

<input type="file" id="imageUpload" accept="image/*">


<!-- <canvas id='canvas' width="2400px" height='1480px' style='border:1px solid black'>  -->

<canvas id='canvas' width="4000px" height='4000px' style='border:1px solid black'> 

<canvas id='imgc' width='800' height='800' hidden>

<canvas id='imgc2' width='800' height='800' hidden>

<canvas id='imgc3' width='800' height='800' hidden>

<canvas id='swapcanvas' width='800' height='800'>

<img src="" hidden id='image' crossorigin="anonymous"/>

<img src="" hidden id='image2' crossorigin="anonymous"/>

<img src="" hidden id='image3' crossorigin="anonymous"/>

<img src="" hidden id='imagenext' crossorigin="anonymous"/>


ctx = 0;

jitter = 0;

function changePause(){

if (document.getElementById("pause").checked){


putit = 1;



variation = 3.1415*2/6000.0;

function randomVariation(){

return 0;//Math.random()*variation - variation/2.0;


function getanginc(){

// 3.1415*2/360*1.2+ 3.1415*2/1024;//

return Math.random()*3.1415*2/360*2.5 + 3.1415*2/1024;


set = 0;

maxrings = 10000;

liftit = 0;

putit = 0;

ga = 0.2;

dec = 0.0;

swapcanvas = document.getElementById("swapcanvas");

swapctx = swapcanvas.getContext("2d");

canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');

ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

hcanvas = document.getElementById('imgc');

ctxh = hcanvas.getContext("2d",{willReadFrequently: true});

hcanvas2 = document.getElementById('imgc2');

ctxh2= hcanvas2.getContext("2d",{willReadFrequently: true});

hcanvas3 = document.getElementById('imgc3');

ctxh3 = hcanvas3.getContext("2d",{willReadFrequently: true});

img2 = document.getElementById('image2');

img2.onload = function(){



img3 = document.getElementById('image3');

img3.onload = function(){



img = document.getElementById('image');

lines = 3;//3600;

drawlines = lines/3;

declines = 1;

colors = [];

colorx = [];

colory = [];

colorincx = [];

colorincy = [];

function getIncColor(){

return Math.random()*6.0+2.0;


img.onload = function(){


for (var i=0;i<lines;i++){





if (i<lines/3){

var p = ctxh.getImageData(parseInt(colorx[i]), parseInt(colory[i]), 1, 1).data; 


}else if (i<lines*2/3){

var p = ctxh2.getImageData(parseInt(colorx[i]), parseInt(colory[i]), 1, 1).data; 


}else {

var p = ctxh3.getImageData(parseInt(colorx[i]), parseInt(colory[i]), 1, 1).data; 




// alert(colors[0]+"|"+colors[1]);

ctx.fillStyle = 'black';


ctx.globalAlpha = 0.2;

cx = canvas.width/2;

cy = canvas.height/2;

cxang = 0;

cyang = 0;

cxinc = Math.random()*3.1415*2/(5*360)+0.001;

cxang += cxinc;

//cx = canvas.width/2 + Math.cos(cxang)*(canvas.width/2-150);

cyinc = Math.random()*3.1415*2/(5*360)+0.001;

cyang += cyinc;

//cy = canvas.height/2 + Math.cos(cyang)*(canvas.height/2-150);

rings = maxrings;

tracks = 5;

x = [];

y = [];

r = [];

ang = [];

anginc = [];

points = [];

for (var i=0;i<lines;i++){



for (var i=0;i<rings;i++){



if (Math.random()>0.5){

anginc[i] *= -1;






savecolor = 0;

colorsn = 0;

dec = 0.005;

putit = 0;

ga = 0.2;

additionalga = 0;

function update(){

if (liftit == 1){

ga -= dec;

if (ga <= 0){

ga = 0;

liftit = 0;


// setTimeout(function(){

// putit = 1;

// },Math.random()*2000+1000);


} else if (putit == 1){

ga += dec;

if (ga >= 0.2){

ga = 0.2;

putit = 0;



ctx.globalAlpha = ga;

if (set == 1){

ctx.lineWidth = 2;

loopend = points[0].length-1;

loopstart = points[0].length-2;

for (var i=0;i<loopend;i++){

for (var l=0;l<lines;l++){

colorx[l] += colorincx[l];

colory[l] += colorincy[l];

if (colorx[l] < 0){

colorx[l] = 0;

colorincx[l] = getIncColor();


if (colorx[l]>img.width){

colorx[l] = img.width;

colorincx[l] = - getIncColor();


if (colory[l] < 0){

colory[l] = 0;

colorincy[l] = getIncColor();


if (colory[l]>img.height){

colory[l] = img.height;

colorincy[l] = -getIncColor();


if (l<lines/3){

//d = Math.max(1,(l+1)/Math.floor(maxrings/3/5));

p = ctxh.getImageData(parseInt(colorx[l]),parseInt(colory[l]),1, 1).data; 

// p = ctxh.getImageData(parseInt(colorx[0]+(points[l][i][0]-points[0][i][0])*1.0/d), parseInt(colory[0]-(points[l][i][1]+points[0][i+1][1])*1.0/d), 1, 1).data; 

}else if (l<lines/3*2){

//d = Math.max(1,(l+1)/Math.floor(maxrings/3*2/5));

p = ctxh2.getImageData(parseInt(colorx[l]),parseInt(colory[l]),1, 1).data; 


//d = Math.max(1,(l+1)/Math.floor(maxrings/5));

p = ctxh3.getImageData(parseInt(colorx[l]),parseInt(colory[l]),1, 1).data; 

// p = ctxh3.getImageData(parseInt(colorx[0]+(points[l][i][0]-points[0][i][0])/d), parseInt(colory[0]-(points[l][i][1]+points[0][i+1][1])/d), 1, 1).data; 


colorsn = "rgb("+parseInt(p[0])+","+parseInt(p[1])+","+parseInt(p[2])+")";

l1 = l % (lines/3);

if (l1 < drawlines){

// var grad= ctx.createLinearGradient(parseInt(points[l][i][0]),parseInt(points[l][i][1]),parseInt(points[l][i+1][0]),parseInt(points[l][i+1][1]));

// grad.addColorStop(0, colors[l]);

// grad.addColorStop(1, colorsn);

// ctx.strokeStyle = grad;

// ctx.beginPath();

// ctx.moveTo(points[l][i][0],points[l][i][1]);

// ctx.lineTo(points[l][i+1][0],points[l][i+1][1]);



// ctx.beginPath();

// ctx.strokeStyle = "white";

// ctx.lineWidth = 10;

// ctx.moveTo(points[l][i][0],points[l][i][1]);

// ctx.lineTo(points[l][i+1][0],points[l][i+1][1]);

// ctx.stroke();

colors[l] = colorsn;

// if (l == 256){

// savecolor = colorsn;

// }


savega = ctx.globalAlpha;

ctx.globalAlpha = 0.015;

ctx.fillStyle = 'black';


ctx.globalAlpha = 1;

l = lines -1;

if (i == points[l].length-2){


    ctx.lineWidth = 10;

ctx.strokeStyle = "white";//colors[l];





// Assuming (cx, cy) is the center, and (x1, y1) is the position of the first circle

CX = canvas.width/2;

CY = canvas.height/2;

x1 = points[l][i][0]; // Example position of the first circle

y1 = points[l][i][1];

x2 = points[l][i+1][0];

y2 = points[l][i+1][1];

// Function to draw a circle

// function drawCircle(ctx, x, y, radius) {

//   ctx.beginPath();

//   ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);

//   ctx.stroke();

// }

// Calculate the distance (r) from (cx, cy) to (x1, y1)

R = Math.sqrt((x1 - CX) ** 2 + (y1 - CY) ** 2);

R2 = Math.sqrt((x2 - CX) ** 2 + (y2 - CY) ** 2);

// Calculate the initial angle

ANGLE = Math.atan2(y1 - CX, x1 - CY);

ANGLE2 = Math.atan2(y2 - CX, x2 - CY);

// Draw the initial circle (if not already drawn)

// drawCircle(ctx, x1, y1, 20); // Assuming you have the context (ctx)

// Draw the other 5 circles

petals = 12;

for (let i = 1; i < petals; i++) {

  // Calculate the angle for this circle

  ANGLE += (2 * Math.PI) / petals; // 360°/6 in radians

  ANGLE2 += (2 * Math.PI) / petals; // 360°/6 in radians

  // Calculate the x and y position

  X1 = CX + R * Math.cos(ANGLE);

  Y1 = CY + R * Math.sin(ANGLE);

  X2 = CX + R2 * Math.cos(ANGLE2);

  Y2 = CY + R2 * Math.sin(ANGLE2);

  // Draw the circle






// alert(colors[0]+"|"+colors[1]);


drawlines -= declines;

if (drawlines <= 0){

declines *= -1;

}else if (drawlines >= lines/3){

declines *= -1;


additionalga += 1;

if (additionalga > 750){

ctx.globalAlpha = 0.005;

ctx.fillStyle = 'black';


additionalga = 0;



// if (points2.length > 0){

// ctx.beginPath();

// for (var i=0;i<points2.length;i++){

// ctx.strokeStyle = 'red';

// ctx.lineWidth = 2;

// ctx.lineTo(points2[i][0],points2[i][1]);

// }

// ctx.stroke();

// }

// if (points3.length > 0){

// ctx.beginPath();

// for (var i=0;i<points3.length;i++){

// ctx.strokeStyle = 'green';

// ctx.lineWidth = 2;

// ctx.lineTo(points3[i][0],points3[i][1]);

// }

// ctx.stroke();

// }

for (var i=0;i<rings;i++){

ctx.strokeStyle = "white";

ctx.lineWidth = 3;


ang[i] += anginc[i] + randomVariation();

//change it here so it changes over time

if (jitter == 1){

if (Math.random()<0.01){ //5% of the time

ri = Math.floor(Math.random()*rings)

anginc[ri] = (Math.random()*3.1415*2/360*2.5 + 3.1415*2/1024);

if (Math.random()>0.5){

anginc[ri] *= -1;




if (i == 0){


x[i] = cx + Math.cos(ang[i])*r[i];

y[i] = cy + Math.sin(ang[i])*r[i];




x[i] = x[i-1] + Math.cos(ang[i])*r[i];

y[i] = y[i-1] + Math.sin(ang[i])*r[i];





// ctx.beginPath();

// ctx.lineWidth = 3;

// ctx.globalAlpha = 0.001;

// ctx.fillStyle = savecolor;

// ctx.strokeStyle = savecolor;

// radius = (cxang*36)%200;

// ctx.arc(x[parseInt(rings/3)],y[parseInt(rings/3)],radius,0,3.1415*2);

// ctx.fill();

// ctx.globalAlpha = 0.2;

cxang += cxinc + randomVariation();

cx = canvas.width/2; // + Math.cos(cxang)*(canvas.width/2-150);

cyang += cyinc + randomVariation();

cy = canvas.height/2; // + Math.cos(cyang)*(canvas.height/2-150);

for (var l=0;l<lines;l++){

if (points[l].length == tracks){

points[l] = points[l].slice(1,tracks);



//CODE BELOW seperates the 3 different colors. CODE ABOVE LINE keep them together merged.

// if (l < lines/3){

// points[l].push([(x[rings-l-1]),(y[rings-l-1])]);

// }else if (l<lines/3*2){

// points[l].push([(x[rings-l-parseInt(rings*2/3)]),(y[rings-l-parseInt(rings*2/3)])]);

// }else{

// points[l].push([(x[rings-l-parseInt(rings/3)]),(y[rings-l-parseInt(rings/3)])]);

// }else if (l<255+128+64+32){

// points[l].push([(x[rings-l-(rings/8*5)]),(y[rings-l-(rings/8*5)])]);

// }else{

// points[l].push([(x[rings-l-(rings/8*4)]),(y[rings-l-(rings/8*4)])]);

// }



set = 1;

// if (points2.length == tracks){

// points2 = points2.slice(1,tracks);

// }

// points2.push([x[rings/3-1],y[rings/3-1]]);

// if (points3.length == tracks){

// points3 = points3.slice(1,tracks);

// }

// points3.push([x[rings/3*2],y[rings/3*2]]);


changing = 0;

function draw(){

ctx.fillStyle = 'black';


if (changing == 0){






rri = 0;

url = 0;

function getLink(){

rri = (rri+1)%5;

if (rri==0){

return "" + Math.random();

}else if (rri==1){

return "" + Math.random();

}else if (rri==2){

return "" + Math.random();

}else if (rri==3){

return "" + Math.random();

}else if (rri==4){

return "" + Math.random();


rr= Math.floor(Math.random()*17);

if (rr==0){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==1){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==2){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==3){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==4){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==5){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==6){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==7){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==8){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==9){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==10){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==11){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==12){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==13){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==14){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==15){

return "" + Math.random();


if (rr==16){

return "" + Math.random();


return "" + Math.random();



function changeURL(){

image = document.getElementById("imagenext");

// changing = 1;

    sr = Math.floor(Math.random()*3);

    image.onload = function(){

    if (sr == 0){



    if (sr==1){



    if (sr==2){



    if (document.getElementById("pause").checked){



    putit = 1;


    // changing = 0;


    image.src = getLink();


opacityinc = 0;

liftit = 0;

function lift(){

if (Math.random()*7 < 1 && putit == 0){

liftit = 1;



img.src = getLink();

img2.src = getLink();

img3.src = getLink();;



// img.src = "";

// img2.src = "";

// img3.src = "";

document.getElementById('imageUpload').addEventListener('change', function(event) {

    if ( &&[0]) {

        // Create a FileReader to read the uploaded file

        var reader = new FileReader();


        // Set the onload function to run once the file is fully read

        reader.onload = function(e) {

            // Get all the <img> elements inside the div#imagesToChange

            url =;

            img.src = url;

            img2.src = url;

            img3.src = url;



        // Read the file as a Data URL (base64 encoded string of the file)




function jitterit(){

if (Math.random() < 0.2){

//jitter = Math.abs(jitter-1);





---------------- code ends here --------------------

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