Monday, July 15, 2024

How to use the Color Picker

 Depending on the Color Picker, there will be minor differences (there are already step by step Instructions).

But this is graphical Instructions for the Crochet/Product Color Picker tool

1. Enter RGB Values or Use existing color passed on from the Image Color Picker tool.

2. Click a "Find Closest" button to match colors using that "Find Closest" method.

3. Optionally choose a blend (depending on blend type like for example 50/50 [2 strand] or Third Blend [3 strand])

4. See P-codes (color codes) on the colors matching canvas following the the color ordered number.

5. Look up the color base on P-codes on product image.

6. That's it!

How to use the Image Color Picker Tool

How to use the Image Color Picker Tool:

1. Open Image File (to load it on canvas).

2. Click on any color on canvas to pick the color.

3. Push as many colors as you like to match later on the color stack (up to 18 colors).

4. Click on a Color Picker button to pass the current selected color into the Color Picker tool. (the color stack will also be available on the Color Picker tools so that you can simply click on the color on color stack to choose it).

5. That's it. Simple right?

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Help Me! With My Image Border

Help Me! With My Image Border

Changing Image Border can drastically change the feel of an image.
I have no experience in this area. But when shown a bunch, I am comfortable picking out one I like.
And so that is why this is here.

1. Choose your image to open.
2. Scroll to see what it'd look like with different border colors (You can zoom out to see more of them variations at the same time).
3. Click to select your image shown in different borders.
4. Click to select your image shown in different sizes (border widths).
5. Right click very bottom image (your image with selected settings) to Save/Copy.

Click to select color:

Click to select border size/width:

Your Image below:

Monday, April 1, 2024

Scanline Distortion to an image.

Scanlines Random Swap Distortion

You can specify the maximum range for randomize swapping Y-scanlines
Just load an image by choosing a file from your computer, then click Distort.
You can change the Max Range and click Distored again and again.
Max Range for Distortion (scanlines range to randomize with)

Image Tile Shuffler/Flipper

Tile Shuffler

Just lets me shuffle and image into tiles that allows me to specify X-Tiles/Y-Tiles

Randomly Flip Them:
Randomly Rotate Them (90 angles):
Remove a Column When Randomizing:

Image/Canvas Below.

Simple Morphing using Pixels Interpolation from Center Circular Scan - Single Color Version

Simple Morphing using Pixels Interpolation From Center Circular Scan- Single Color/Texture Coloring Version

Always use Color/Texture of Top Left Corner Image

Warning: with 500x500 images, I ran out of memory error on Edge, and Chrome. Only Firefox worked for me

Sample 1.
Only 4 corner images are used, all the other ones are interpolated/morphed by the below tool

Shared the results of this program to Reddit/r/generative

1. Choose Your 4 png files for the 4 corners (I use 500px by 500px). Objects/Shapes should be isolated on TRANSPARENT background (.png).
2. Enter Steps/Frames to go across and down (ie. 6 would give you a 6x6)
3. Click Draw button. and wait... patiently for the whole 15 seconds.
4. You might have too zoom out to see the large finished product on the far right.
5. Right click it (the large finished product) to save or copy

<- Top Left

<- Top Right

<- Bottom Left

<- Bottom Right


Saturday, March 30, 2024

Simple Morphing using Pixels Interpolation - Single Color/Texture Version

Simple Morphing using Pixels Interpolation - Single Color/Texture Coloring Version

Always use Color/Texture of Top Left Corner Image

Sample 1.
Only 4 corner images are used, all the other ones are interpolated/morphed by the below tool

Shared the results of this program to Reddit/r/generative

1. Choose Your 4 png files for the 4 corners (I use 500px by 500px). Objects/Shapes should be isolated on TRANSPARENT background (.png).
2. Enter Steps/Frames to go across and down (ie. 6 would give you a 6x6)
3. Click Draw button. and wait... patiently for the whole 15 seconds.
4. You might have too zoom out to see the large finished product on the far right.
5. Right click it (the large finished product) to save or copy

<- Top Left

<- Top Right

<- Bottom Left

<- Bottom Right


Simple Morphing by Pixel Interpolation - Hard Coloring Version

Simple Morphing using Pixels Interpolation - Hard Coloring Version

Hard Coloring based on time(t value) instead of blending.

Sample 1.
Only 4 corner images are used, all the other ones are interpolated/morphed by the below tool

Shared the results of this program to Reddit/r/generative

1. Choose Your 4 png files for the 4 corners (I use 500px by 500px). Objects/Shapes should be isolated on TRANSPARENT background (.png).
2. Enter Steps/Frames to go across and down (ie. 6 would give you a 6x6)
3. Click Draw button. and wait... patiently for the whole 15 seconds.
4. You might have too zoom out to see the large finished product on the far right.
5. Right click it (the large finished product) to save or copy

<- Top Left

<- Top Right

<- Bottom Left

<- Bottom Right


Friday, March 29, 2024

Morphing in multiple directions

Simple Morphing using Pixels Interpolation

Basic Shapes

Colorful Subjects

Multi-layered. Black corners used with this tool once to get
first result, then red corners were used to get
another result. Then red result overlay black result.
Only 4 corner images are used, all the other ones are interpolated/morphed by the below tool

Shared the results of this program to Reddit/r/generative which got decent amount of upvotes.
Warning: Program is not optimized so it takes a while to run (like 2 or 3 minutes after you click DRAW) (UPDATED: takes 10-15 seconds now)

1. Choose Your 4 png files for the 4 corners (I use 500px by 500px). Objects/Shapes should be isolated on TRANSPARENT background (.png).
2. Enter Steps/Frames to go across and down (ie. 6 would give you a 6x6)
3. Click Draw button. and wait... patiently for the whole 15 seconds.
4. You might have too zoom out to see the large finished product on the far right.
5. Right click it (the large finished product) to save or copy

Oh yeah, programmers, free free to use the code by viewing source, alter it, make it better, faster, whatever...
<- Top Left

<- Top Right

<- Bottom Left

<- Bottom Right

                    Main result will display below:

How to use the Color Picker

 Depending on the Color Picker, there will be minor differences (there are already step by step Instructions). But this is graphical Instruc...